OK, I had to delay who's retiring next to the next post. But this will be the last delay. I PROMISE. But there's a new Purchase With Purchase at the American Girl stores starting today. It's a outfit that AGDN leaked first, similar to all of the leaks we've been getting cause I've been on top of everything...
TA-DA! This outfit that leaked on Melody's release day! It is called the Purple Sparkle Outfit. SO BEAUTIFUL!
In other news, today the WellieWishers and Lea are supposed to come to Kohl's! My mom's taking me to the Kohl's two seconds from our house to get underwear for me, and I'm tagging along to take pictures of the AG stuff!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: The most popular American Girl dolls at the AGP Charlotte are Julie, Lea and Maryellen, according to my good friends there.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Leave your guesses of who's going to retire next here! It won't be a long wait, because today's a bank day in my county and middle schoolers get out 3 hours early on bank days! Or maybe I'll use my extra time now and post it....