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American Girl Movie Afternoon!

On Disney Channel this afternoon, there is going to be an American Girl movie double-feature for back-to-back family fun!

The fun will start at 2:05 pm (1:05 pm central, 3:05 pm mountain, 2:05 pm Pacific) after a Mickey Mouse cartoon! The first movie is going to be Grace Stirs Up Success, last year's Girl of the Year. The movie stars Olivia Rodrigo from the new Disney Channel show Bizzardvark as Grace, last year's Girl of the Year. It made it's television debut on Family Channel in Canada last November and was on Disney Channel last June. I totally recommend watching this movie. It's my favorite GOTY movie!

Following Grace Stirs Up Success is Lea To The Rescue in it's first television airing ever! It stars Maggie Elizabeth Jones from the hit movie We Bought A Zoo as Lea Clark, the 2016 Girl of the Year doll! I think the Lea movie was good. Lea came off a bit stubborn and rude at times, but I get how she felt. I act like that sometimes when I'm under pressure, too. I don't think the under 7-set should watch this, but if your 7 and up, watch this!

Two American Girl movies, one fantastic afternoon! And if you miss this afternoon on Disney Channel, don't fret! Grace Stirs Up Success is airing again at 9 am tomorrow! But if you want to watch the parade tomorrow, don't forget to go to Disney Channel this afternoon for one epic, amazing movie marathon!

AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: This is the third year in a row the GOTY movie premiered on Disney Channel.

COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: What are you doing today because there is no school (hopefully, if your county is decent) in America?

MY ANSWER: I'll try to see if Moana is available online, and if it's not, then I'll go bike over to the movies and watch it! JUST KIDDING! If it's not available online, then I'll wait until it is and just hang with my dolls and watch the American Girl movie marathon!

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