My fan @agtangofaries on Instagram, who works at American Girl, gave me some details about the new Girl of the Year:
-Gabriela will be revealed on December 29, 2016 to make room for Saturday morning educational programs on 12/31, which is on a Saturday
-The January 1st release is just part of her collection: the big piece will be released in the spring
-The new box has a opening on the top that slides out!
-Gabriela is $115! HOORAY!
-Gabriela's earrings set will include a eighth note, a songbird and a blue flower
-Gabriela's Showtime Kit will include METALLIC NAIL POLISH!
-Gabriela's Creative Studio Set will include a mural important to her stories and a studio with a mirror
Woohoo! I can't wait for the 1st!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Saige was the only GOTY that came with pierced ears.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Do any of your dolls have earrings?
MY ANSWER: Yes! Sierra, Saige, Anna, Grace, Mia and McKenna have removable earrings. Beth and Opal have the non-removable hoops.