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Gabriela- BACKORDERED???

This might be a glitch, but I don't think it is. Gabriela is BACKORDERED until March 5! Holy cow, she is very popular! I predict that she will sell more than Isabelle, Grace AND Lea combined! More Dolls of Color and Disabled Girls for GOTY, everyone!

Here's a list of store stock for Gabriela.

Charlotte is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Chicago has VERY LITTLE of the Gabriela doll

Columbus has VERY LITTLE of the Gabriela doll.

Denver is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Houston is OUT of the Gabriela doll .

Indianapolis is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Los Angeles has VERY LITTLE of the Gabriela doll.

Mall of America (Minneapolis) is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Philadelphia is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Pittsburgh is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Raleigh is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

San Antonio is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

San Francisco is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Seattle is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

Washington D.C is OUT of the Gabriela doll.

American Girl has made a successful GOTY!

AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Marisol was the first Girl of the Year to sell out.

COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: If you were head of American Girl for a day, what would you do?

MY ANSWER: Leak everything.

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