Information about the American Girl of the Year 2019 debut event on January 1, 2019 is here! Here's the scoop about what will happen as soon as your local store opens their doors on the 1st:
"Join us to celebrate the arrival of our newest Girl of the Year! Be the first to discover her story, eat delicious treats, take part in a creative craft, and take home a themed giveaway at a special in-store event!"
I won't be there like I usually am on the 1st since I'm going the day before for the AG Rewards event, but I totally recommend leaving early on the 1st so you can be one of the firsts in line. I usually am there around an hour and a half before the store opens. If you don't want to wait, I also recommend going later in the day after the event ends (usually before dinnertime). I did that with Lea and it worked out perfectly!