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American Girl 2021 Back to School Release

Unfortunately, there was no big summer release like usual this year: all we got in June was the Bitty Baby stuff and one Smart Girl's Guide. But the summer's almost over, and before we all have to head to school, AG decided to release some items!

All these items leaked on the website a few weeks ago, but it's nice to see high-quality images and be able to actually buy them.

First, the WellieWishers got brand-new looks and a price increase. They now cost $65.

Halloween is only two months away, and AG released three brand new costumes for Truly Me.

Lastly, AG released new pajamas, a new bed, and a new nightstand for Truly Me.

Are you back in school yet? On Monday, I'll only have a week of summer left: and I'm not looking forward to going back, even though I haven't physically been in my school since March 2020. I did my entire 10th-grade year online thanks to Covid, so it feels kind of awkward now that I'm in 11th grade.

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