Here is the Saturday pricing for the final American Girl benefit sale, which starts tomorrow:
Truly Me Dolls, $55
Named Dolls (includes Historicals, World by Us, etc.) $60
WellieWishers Dolls, $40
Bitty Baby Dolls, $40
Bitty Baby Doll + Accessory Sets, $50
There are no Create Your Own dolls this year.
Other items use dots to denote their price:

The limits per shopper are as follows:
5 dolls (includes 18″ dolls, WellieWishers, Bitty Babies, and Doll + Accessory sets)
15 accessories (includes doll clothes, and accessory items such as food, pets, salon, dining, living, etc.)
2 voucher items (anything in a very large box, such as furniture, vehicles, home sets)
4 girl clothing items