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American Girl Enters Publishing Partnership with Simon and Schuster (And AG Books Going Forward)

Today, it was revealed that all Mattel-branded books, including new publisher Mattel Press and American Girl's publishing imprint American Girl Publishing, will have sales and distribution in the US and Canada handled by publisher Simon and Schuster. Previously, American Girl was in an agreement with Scholastic for publishing from 2017 to 2019, and then Penguin Random House from 2019 to around now.

So, what does this mean for American Girl's books? Why haven't we been getting them lately? Well, my personal theory hearing this news is that American Girl's books were cut down for a bit because Mattel was still working on creating an internal publisher for the rest of the brand and finding a partner to distribute American Girl's books alongside the Mattel Press books.

Note that the partnership officially starts July 1, and July 5 is the official release date of Kavi's book, "It's Showtime, Kavi". The book's delay from March until now was probably due to this, and now that it's sorted out, I have hope we're going to get more AG books!

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