There used to be American Girl fashion shows until 2016, but for AG’s 35th anniversary and their commitment to diversity, they decided to have one more show.
AG is doing this fashion show in collaboration with Fashion Row, an agency that connects brands like American Girl with fashion designers of color. For this show, Fashion Row connected American Girl with fashion designers Carly Cushnie, Nicole Lynel, Kristian Lorén and Samantha Black, who will reimagine the looks of the six original historical characters.
Under New York state law, attendees to this event are required to be vaccinated, and attendees under 12 are required to test negative for COVID-19.
Once you can RSVP, I’ll post the link right here! I’m not going, but I hope everyone who is has fun!
I wonder if they’ll announce World By Us at this event, now that I think about it…
I dont live anywhere near NYC. I’m not vaccinated, becasue im not 12 yet, not to stir up drama, but im going going to. I just need more proof that it Works. And if you guys and this blog are supportive of me, you’ll respect that.
ok um this seems really cool
this seems.... unique. i'm pretty excited to see how this is going to go
i n t e r e s t i n g
This sounds like fun, I wish I could go!