I went to the American Girl store in Charlotte today for the first time since it reopened after the COVID-19 pandemic! I wore a mask, stayed six feet away from others and took these pictures of what the store looks like after the pandemic changed life forever:

The store had this sign by the entrance.

The store also had Dial touchless hand sanitizer dispensers in areas around the store.

The store didn’t have 87, any of the Olympics items, or any other new items.

There were social distancing floor markers around the store.

The Monthly Special items were on sale at the store.

American Girl also has the Summer Reading deal going on.

The doll holders at the Bistro are empty now.

The catalog holders were empty too.
Your store is open? Lucky!
Is American Girl still sending out catalogs?
the store experience will definitely be different, but i still can’t wait to visit one again 😂