American Girl is having a virtual summer "Fun Fest" on July 10th and July 11th! The event will be a virtual American Girl convention (basically) with activities, games, and guests!
On Saturday, there will be a dance tutorial, yoga, conversation with Connie Porter (who wrote the Addy series), American Girl trivia, and a movie night. On Sunday, there will be another dance tutorial, more yoga, a panel with athletes from Team USA, a 'Making Herstory' panel with activists Marley Dias, Iris Zhan, Haven Coleman, and Disney star Julia Lester, a Magnolia Bakery birthday bash, and a read-along of Happy Birthday, Samantha with author Valerie Tripp.
Who's going? I'm pretty much obligated to go because I run this blog, but to be honest, I wish there were more AG authors and focus on dolls.
where can i get tickets?
I'm going for the first day!
Where do I find more information?
I'd love if this was irl, it would be awesome to attend an American Girl convention!
That’s really cool!