this was the first GOTY my daughter and I collected. she's still her favorite because she looks a lot like her. we are going to take our Joss to Dallas AG store soon for birthday fun, first time we finally finally get to see the new store.
I was had recently started liking American Girl when she was born, and Lanie was Girl of the Year and Rebecca was the most recent historical. I had graduated from elementary school that year and was entered middle school.
someday i want to make a Timotheé Chalamet boy doll out of a joss doll LOL!
oh and I graduated high school in 2010.
this was the first GOTY my daughter and I collected. she's still her favorite because she looks a lot like her. we are going to take our Joss to Dallas AG store soon for birthday fun, first time we finally finally get to see the new store.
I was had recently started liking American Girl when she was born, and Lanie was Girl of the Year and Rebecca was the most recent historical. I had graduated from elementary school that year and was entered middle school.
wow she makes me feel old! i was in first grade when she was born and now she's close to high school age!! :o