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My New American Girl Doll Room

I posted a video of this on my YouTube and posted photos of it on my Instagram on Sunday, but I just remembered I didn't post about it on here!

Three years ago, my dad moved into his house, and we noticed that right by my doll room was an unfinished space that was just as big, if not bigger, than my doll room. For years, we talked about turning it into a space for me to store my dolls, considering that I had my dolls stuffed in a closet (which isn't ideal for a doll collection with literally over a hundred dolls), and it was finally finished on Saturday!

I made a quick little video in my room to show you guys around. I haven't added that many of my big ticket items yet, but I will eventually do so! My dolls also aren't in the order or outfits I want them to be in: I want to organize them based on years and Truly Me numbers, as well as an area for my custom dolls. Once I'm satisfied, I'll make another tour video, as well as an all my dolls video because I haven't made one in years!

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