I was looking online today and trying to figure out what kinds of things kids in the 1920s did to have fun. I found out that scooters were invented in 1915, and were popular among all people in the 1920s. Kit had a scooter in her collection made out of cardboard, but considering that America was in better economic shape in the 1920s, I was wondering if the new 1920's historical doll, Claudie Wells, would have a scooter in her collection.

Let me know what you think!
We are less than 2 weeks away from Claudie's debut! I am so excited- who else is?
Meet Claudie | American Girl Wiki | Fandom Apparently, Claudie's books start in 1922, 100 years ago and ten years before the start of Kit's stories!
I can’t wait for Claudie’s release! It would be so cool if she had a scooter especially since she probably wouldn’t have a car. It would also be so fun if it were wooden like in the picture! :D
I don’t know why but I really want her to have like a jump rope and some chalk or something, like a bunch of activity stuff in here collection I think would be fun :D
So excited!
Claudie, Kit and Lindsey scootering around,,