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We're almost to Lila's release, everyone! New rumors about her items have been unearthed, and like always, it is my duty to tell you guys as much as I can that could possibly be true. Here goes!
Lila might have freckles as well as the previously reported combination of caramel hair and amber eyes.
Lila's Gym Bag contains a bag in themed colors, water bottle, scrunchie, protein bar, wraps, hairbrush, headband, and stickers.
Lila's accessories include a fanny back, cellphone, hair gems, sunglasses, hair ties and a hairstyling manual.
Lila does have a horse stable, as previously rumored
Lila's practice outfit is a orange shirt, shorts and pink sandals.
Lila's leotard is a collaboration with gymnastics company GK and is pink. It also comes with a medal.
Lila's horse has white fur and comes with a hairstyling kit.
Lila's horseback riding outfit has a sparkly jeanjacket, horse t-shirt, pink headband, black pants and pink riding boots.
Only four more days, AG fans! We can do this!
I hope her meet outfit is the gymnastics outfit- but it will probably not…
I have seen some leaked photos of Lila. I noticed she sort of looks like Willa from WellieWishers with the pigtails, except Lila's hair is more brownish. I have only seen teeny tiny bits of blonde highlights in her hair. Her orange practice outfit is my most favorite in her collection. I hope she will be getting more items in her collection. I noticed her eyes do not look like amber, in my opinion. It looks more brown or hazel. I have seen the ranch set, and it looks wonderful.
I have also seen her horse. Unlike any characters who had horses in their collections, her horse comes with some colorful hair that you can clip on, along with some…
she sounds so adorable! :D
i'm so happy for it all!
Yeah Sydney! You did it! 😁 I am SO happy for you! Great Job! I hope you feel better than before!!!! I can’t get my
I can’t get my Lila until I get my rewards points on the tenth because I saved my $50.00 rewards from this month and will get the same amount in October so Lila will only cost me $15.00 plus tax! Super stoked about that! 😄
Again SO HAPPY for you Sydney! I offer you BEST WISHES with your health both physical and mental (a lot mental though because that can affect your physical!) Again GREAT 👍 JOB!